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"Because I won't let you if I can help it. If your dad and my aunt get close, then we might be thrown together and besides I want you as a friend. I will need one if I am starting a new school where I don't know anybody" You might be better off not letting people know that you are friendly with me," she said, "I'm regarded as a bit of a freak and I get bullied quite a bit" she told me,"Then," I said with a grin, "Perhaps you need a friend like me. Nobody will bully you if I am around." Oh. I live in South Western Va., and after a late start made it to the Illinois State line by evening. I travel the 2 lane roads to see the real world and I hate the interstates anyway. I hardly ever rent a motel, mostly just find a spot by a stream and pitch a tent for the night, I rolled into the little town of Robinson, IL and my ass was dragging, I need some dinner and a six pack to wash away the dust. I found a little diner had a belly full of country fried steak, and while talking to the. She knew what was going to happen. She wanted it to stop but she knew better than to say anything. In silence on the floor, half naked and her pussy wet, she watched as the pair began to make love in front of her very eyes.This was her torture, this was her punishment. She was going to have to be forced to witness what was unobtainable in her life: true passion, true love. She would much rather be beaten and whipped and made to do unspeakable acts of depravity rather than to see the object. Then she got down from the bike and went to bring the keys from her neighbor. I was standing there coz I thought I will tell her good-bye and go. Then she came with the keys and invited me in.I wanted to go in but I said no. Then she again tried to convince me to come inside but I said that it was night and mom would be waiting for me but then suddenly rain started pouring heavily and I had no other choice than to go in. Then she guided me in and we both sat on sofa’s facing each other. Than.
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